About Us

Partner in Digital Trust

Tynebridge Digital Partners is your Digital Trust leadership and support team, comprised of experienced data governance & management, data privacy, security, and IT practitioners and advisors. We provide a unified client experience which combines all four digital trust domains:

  1. Data Governance
  2. Privacy
  3. Security
  4. Information Technology

Why combine these four areas? Firstly, these four areas are interrelated disciplines that don’t operate well in silos. Digital trust is a shared responsibility between business leadership, the Board of Directors, IT, security, privacy, data governance & management, and other departments within an organization. Communication between these business functions contributes to the success of all the others. When data governance is healthy, it feeds directly into IT, privacy, and security. Whatever the IT department does, it needs to do securely, responsibly protecting the rights of data owners, and in compliance with data governance policies. Cyber security efforts are informed by understanding what sensitive data needs protecting the most, the IT infrastructure and architecture, and the data lifecycle stages laid out in a data governance policy.

Secondly, the combination of all for areas of expertise is the more cost-effective alternative to bringing in four separate providers because communication and workflow inefficiencies are minimized. Addressing these four digital trust elements will save you time and money. Less time will be required from your leadership and staff, beginning with the initial information gathering sessions. As a result, the impact on (and the interruption to) your operations and internal human resources will be minimized. Less financial investment will be required from your budget because the overall scope of a single engagement will also be reduced. Your team of Tynebridge Digital Trust expert partners will sit around your table together (virtually), working closely with you and communicating effectively with one another on your behalf.